Michael Keaton Wants To Start Being Credited By His Real Name Even Though Its Taken

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Michael Keaton Wants to Start Being Credited by His Real Name — Even Though It's Taken Decades

A Hollywood Actor With a Hollywood Name

Michael Keaton is one of Hollywood's most recognizable actors, having starred in such films as "Beetlejuice," "Batman," and "Birdman." But despite his success, Keaton has never been credited by his real name, Michael Douglas.

There's a reason for that. When Keaton started his acting career in the 1970s, there was already another actor named Michael Douglas. So, in order to avoid confusion, Keaton adopted the stage name "Michael Keaton."

He's Ready for a Change

But now, after nearly 50 years in the business, Keaton says he's ready to start using his real name.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time," Keaton said in a recent interview. "And I think it's finally time. I'm proud of my real name, and I want to be known by it."

Keaton's decision to start using his real name is a reflection of his confidence in his own identity.

It's Not Always Easy

Of course, changing one's name in Hollywood is not always easy.

There's the issue of brand recognition. Keaton has been known as "Michael Keaton" for decades. Changing his name now could confuse audiences and damage his brand.

There's also the issue of legal paperwork. Keaton would have to change his name on all of his contracts, SAG card, and other legal documents.

He's Fully Committed

Despite the challenges, Keaton says he's fully committed to changing his name.

"I know it's going to take some time for people to get used to it," Keaton said. "But I'm confident that they'll eventually come around."


Michael Keaton's decision to start using his real name is a bold move for a Hollywood actor of his stature.

If successful, it could pave the way for other actors to embrace their own identities, regardless of their stage names.