Jason Kelce Says Itll Be Hilarious When His Kids Meet Taylor Swifts Cats After Telling Them Theyre Poisonous

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Jason Kelce Says It'll Be 'Hilarious' When His Kids Meet Taylor Swift's Cats After Telling Them They're Poisonous

NFL Player Reveals Kids' Amusing Misunderstanding

Kelce's Funny Anecdote Captivates Fans

Philadelphia Eagles center Jason Kelce shared an amusing anecdote involving his children and Taylor Swift's cats, revealing his hilarious parenting miscue.

Kelce recounted how he mistakenly told his young kids that Swift's famous cats, Meredith Grey and Olivia Benson, were poisonous.

When the family visited Swift's house, Kelce's children were eager to meet the beloved felines. However, Kelce's previous warning made them hesitant.

According to Kelce, the situation will be "hilarious" when his kids finally realize the truth about Swift's cats.

Kelce's story highlights the importance of clear communication with children, as misunderstandings can lead to amusing consequences.

Swift, known for her love of cats, has two Scottish Fold cats named Meredith Grey and Olivia Benson, after characters from the TV shows "Grey's Anatomy" and "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit."

The cats have become internet sensations, with their own Instagram account and merchandise.