House Republicans Pivot To Attacking Walz With Subpoena Over A Nonprofits Fraud

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House Republicans Pivot to Attacking Walz With Subpoena Over a Nonprofit's Fraud

GOP Lawmakers Demand Information About Walz's Involvement With MNsure and Goodwill-Easter Seals

Move Seen as an Attempt to Damage Walz Before 2022 Gubernatorial Election

Saint Paul, Minn. – House Republicans have issued a subpoena to Governor Tim Walz, demanding information about his involvement with MNsure and Goodwill-Easter Seals. The move is seen as an attempt to damage Walz before the 2022 gubernatorial election.

The subpoena, issued by the House Oversight Committee, requests documents and communications related to Walz's time as commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS). Walz served as commissioner from 2012 to 2014, during which time he oversaw the implementation of MNsure, the state's health insurance exchange.

Republicans have accused Walz of mishandling the MNsure rollout, which was plagued by technical problems and delays. They have also questioned Walz's relationship with Goodwill-Easter Seals, a nonprofit organization that received millions of dollars in state contracts while Walz was commissioner.

Walz has denied any wrongdoing and has called the subpoena a "political stunt." He has said that he is confident that he will be able to clear his name.

Key Points:


MNsure was created by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. The exchange allows individuals and small businesses to purchase health insurance. The rollout of MNsure was plagued by technical problems and delays, which led to long wait times and frustration for consumers.

Goodwill-Easter Seals is a nonprofit organization that provides a variety of services to people with disabilities and other needs. The organization received millions of dollars in state contracts while Walz was commissioner of DHS.


The subpoena issued by House Republicans is the latest in a series of attacks on Walz by the GOP. Republicans are hoping to damage Walz's reputation and make him more vulnerable in the 2022 gubernatorial election.

It remains to be seen whether the subpoena will have the desired effect. Walz has denied any wrongdoing and has said that he is confident that he will be able to clear his name.