Frances Macron Weighs Barnier Option In Drawn Out Search For Prime Minister

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France's Macron Weighs Barnier Option in Protracted Search for Prime Minister

Political Uncertainty Looms as Presidential Election Approaches

French President Emmanuel Macron faces a critical decision in his search for a new prime minister, with Michel Barnier emerging as a potential frontrunner. Barnier, a veteran politician and former EU negotiator, brings a wealth of experience to the table but also faces some potential drawbacks. As Macron navigates the political landscape ahead of the 2022 presidential election, the choice of prime minister will have a significant impact on his strategy and legacy.

Barnier's Qualifications and Experience

Michel Barnier is a seasoned politician with a long and distinguished career. He has served as a member of the European Parliament, France's Minister of Agriculture, and most notably as the EU's chief negotiator during Brexit talks. Barnier's extensive experience in both domestic and international affairs makes him a strong candidate for the role of prime minister.

His reputation as a skilled negotiator and his deep understanding of European politics could be invaluable assets for Macron as he seeks to navigate France's complex relationship with the EU. However, Barnier's age and lack of recent government experience may be seen as potential drawbacks by some.

Political Considerations and Challenges

The choice of prime minister is not solely based on qualifications and experience. Macron must also consider the political implications of his decision. Barnier is a member of the center-right Les Républicains party, which could alienate some voters on the left. Additionally, Barnier's past criticism of Macron's policies could create tensions within the government.

Macron's decision will also be influenced by the upcoming presidential election in 2022. Appointing a prime minister from the opposing party could be seen as a sign of weakness or indecisiveness. On the other hand, choosing a candidate from his own party could limit his options and potentially damage his chances of re-election.


The choice of prime minister is a critical one for Emmanuel Macron as he navigates the complex political landscape of France. Michel Barnier's qualifications and experience make him a strong candidate, but his age, lack of recent government experience, and political affiliation could be potential drawbacks. Macron must carefully weigh the political implications of his decision, considering the upcoming presidential election and the need to maintain stability and unity within the government.