Biden Administration Likely To Block Nippon Steels Acquisition Of Us Steel

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Biden Administration Likely to Block Nippon Steel's Acquisition of U.S. Steel

What You Need to Know

* The White House is expected to announce that it will block Nippon Steel's proposed acquisition of U.S. Steel. * The move comes after a months-long review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). * The decision is a significant victory for U.S. Steel and its workers.


Nippon Steel, Japan's largest steelmaker, announced its plans to acquire U.S. Steel in September 2021. The deal would have created one of the world's largest steel companies. However, the deal quickly drew scrutiny from CFIUS, which is responsible for reviewing foreign investments in the United States for potential national security risks.

CFIUS's Concerns

CFIUS was concerned that the deal would give Nippon Steel control of U.S. Steel's production facilities, which are located in close proximity to critical U.S. infrastructure. The committee was also concerned that the deal would give Nippon Steel access to sensitive U.S. technology.

White House Decision

After a months-long review, CFIUS recommended that the White House block the deal. The White House is expected to announce its decision in the coming days.

Impact of the Decision

The decision is a significant victory for U.S. Steel and its workers. The company has long argued that the deal would harm its ability to compete and would lead to job losses. The decision is also a setback for Nippon Steel, which has been looking to expand its operations in the United States.


The White House's decision to block Nippon Steel's acquisition of U.S. Steel is a significant development. The decision is a victory for U.S. Steel and its workers, and it is a setback for Nippon Steel.