Anime Streamer Crunchyroll Acquires Third Season Of Bananya Around The World

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Anime Streamer Crunchyroll Acquires Third Season of ‘Bananya Around the World’

Crunchyroll, a popular anime streaming service, has acquired the third season of the popular anime series ‘Bananya Around the World’.

The third season of ‘Bananya Around the World’ will be available exclusively on Crunchyroll starting in April 2023.

The series follows the adventures of a group of adorable cats who are also bananas, as they travel around the world. The cats are always getting into trouble, but they always manage to have fun and make new friends along the way.

The first two seasons of ‘Bananya Around the World’ were very popular with fans, and the third season is expected to be just as successful. Crunchyroll is a great place to watch ‘Bananya Around the World’, as it has a large library of anime series and movies.

In addition to ‘Bananya Around the World’, Crunchyroll also offers a variety of other popular anime series, including ‘Naruto’, ‘One Piece’, and ‘Attack on Titan’. Crunchyroll is a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest anime releases, and it’s also a great way to discover new anime series.